A hair transplant performed for aesthetic concerns means higher self-confidence and offers a permanent solution to hair loss. If you are a sports fan, naturally, you would like to continue your physical training and maintain your fitness after the treatment. So how long does it take to start exercising after hair transplantation?
What is Hair Transplantation and Who Is It Done?
Hair loss, especially affecting men; It may develop due to factors such as genetic factors, malnutrition, and stress. In order to treat hair loss, which causes loss of self-confidence, the practice of transferring hair follicles taken from the hairy area to the balding skin is called hair transplantation. When hair transplantation is applied by experts, it ensures that the person achieves the image they want permanently and eliminates the social problems of the person.
The success of hair transplantation techniques largely depends on the expertise of the physician, the application of the appropriate technique for shedding, and the care shown by the patient after the procedure.
As a matter of fact, hair transplantation is divided into the following types in order to meet different needs: