A hair transplant performed for aesthetic concerns means higher self-confidence and offers a permanent solution to hair loss. If you are a sports fan, naturally, you would like to continue your physical training and maintain your fitness after the treatment. So how long does it take to start exercising after hair transplantation?

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What is Hair Transplantation and Who Is It Done?

Hair loss, especially affecting men; It may develop due to factors such as genetic factors, malnutrition, and stress. In order to treat hair loss, which causes loss of self-confidence, the practice of transferring hair follicles taken from the hairy area to the balding skin is called hair transplantation. When hair transplantation is applied by experts, it ensures that the person achieves the image they want permanently and eliminates the social problems of the person.

The success of hair transplantation techniques largely depends on the expertise of the physician, the application of the appropriate technique for shedding, and the care shown by the patient after the procedure.

As a matter of fact, hair transplantation is divided into the following types in order to meet different needs:

1. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

In this method, hair follicles in the hairy area are removed one by one and prepared for transplantation. With the help of microsurgical instruments, the hairless area is transplanted. It is a method with a fast recovery time and low complication risk, and it is often preferred because it does not leave any visible scars at the end of the application.

2. DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)

With this method, hair follicles are directly transferred to the area to be transplanted. It can be done with the help of a special pen and without the need for shaving. Since the roots are planted instantly, the waiting time is short, the success rate is high, and the probability of leaving a scar after the procedure is low.

3. Sapphire Hair Transplant

This method is used especially in genetic and environmental spills, it stands out because it is painless. Since it is applied with the help of sapphire-tipped special blades, roughness or wound does not occur in the planting area. At the end of the process, it is not understood that the hair is obtained by the transplantation method, therefore it is the application that gives the most natural results.

Since each of these techniques has different advantages, the skin structure of the person, the type of shedding, the degree of shedding and personal expectations affect the success rate of the application.

Another factor affecting this success is how much post-procedure recommendations are taken into account. It is very important that people who regularly exercise decide when to start sports in accordance with the recommendation of their physician.

Can You Do Sports After Hair Transplant?

After hair transplantation, it takes an average of 3 days for the person to return to his routine life, after this period, there is no problem while performing daily activities. However, especially in the first few weeks, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the scalp in order to increase the success of the application and to support the strong growth of the hair. It is important to avoid situations that will cause infection in the region and to take precautions against forcing and impacts.


The risks of doing sports for a person in the recovery phase are as follows:

  • Particularly intense exercises can cause the scalp to sweat and damage the newly planted roots.
  • It can prevent the hair follicles from adhering well enough to the blows taken during the hop, jump, and rupture.
  • Despite their regular cleaning, gyms are not the most hygienic environments. In the exercise areas where many people are together, the risk of infection increases and the success rate of hair transplantation decreases.

Due to such factors, it is of great importance to wait for the scalp to heal before returning to sports. Otherwise, the effects of the operation may not occur as desired or their permanence may decrease. Therefore, it is recommended that you think twice before starting the exercise after hair transplantation and prepare a program by consulting a specialist.

When to start sports after hair transplantation?

The most important issue after hair transplantation is the attachment of the transferred roots to the area, so it is very important especially in the first 3-4 days.

Since hair follicles need time to grow and strengthen, it is necessary to wait at least 2 weeks before starting a light sports program.

At the same time, the sun factor and the environment in which the exercise will be performed should also be considered.

After hair transplantation, exercise can be done by considering the following recommendations:

  • At the end of 2 weeks, light-paced walks can be started, but during this time, you should not wear a hat and not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • At least 4 weeks should be waited to start heavy exercises, and a physician's advice should be taken beforehand.
  • Since chlorinated or salty water causes the hair follicles to die, a minimum of 3-4 months should be waited to start swimming.
  • Sports such as football and basketball can injure the scalp as they are vulnerable to impacts. 3 months should be waited to start this type of compelling team sports.
  • When going to the gym, the head should not be tilted or leaning on any equipment. Since the amount of hair, bacteria and microbes is high in these areas, exercises performed while standing and alone should be preferred.
  • Exercises performed lying on the mat, such as Pilates and yoga, can damage the hair follicles by pressing. Roots should be expected to get stronger for such high-risk activities.

For example; Sun rays damage the hair follicles, but wearing a hat is not a good solution to protect from the sun, because similarly, it causes damage to the transplanted area and reduces the adhesion level of the roots.

In general, even if you can return to your healthy life a few weeks after the procedure, it is important to act by taking the necessary precautions. In order to maximize the effects of hair transplantation and get the best possible result, you should definitely consult a specialist before starting sports.

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