Mesotherapy is a treatment method done on the middle layer of the skin (mesoderm). Vitamins, amino acids, herbal extracts, enzymes, minerals, and hormones are injected into the relevant zones with the help of a needle. Using needles as the main instrument makes this procedure similar to acupuncture.
Although the procedure is mostly performed for aesthetic purposes, people can also prefer mesotherapy for treatment purposes. It is applied by injecting a needle into the relevant area of the skin. Thus, damaged areas can be healed, and poor blood flow can be regulated.
The application areas of mesotherapy:
Hair Loss Treatment: In hair treatment with the mesotherapy method, enzymes and vitamins are injected under the skin. As a result of the procedure, the hair becomes stronger and hair breakage is reduced. Thus, the problem of sparse hair, which may require hair transplantation in the future, can be resolved.
Cellulite Treatment: Mesotherapy can be used to treat cellulite. In cellulite reduction application, the injections located under the skin help to regulate blood circulation and provide a smooth skin look.
Skin Therapy: Skin texture that has been deformed because of harmful solar rays, stress, etc. can be recovered with mesotherapy. Skin therapy aims to gain people a more youthful and vivid look.
Mesotherapy can also be a solution for:
- Fading wrinkles,
- Contouring the skin,
- Removing excess fat in the body such as arms, face, and buttocks.