During the pre-breast reduction process, as in other operations, the patient's expectations and concerns are listened to, and the surgery decision is made after examining her medical history and general health status. This defines the consultation phase. After that, a specific date for surgery is decided.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Factors such as skin structure, grandular tissue, nipple, and breast size are effective in determining the method to be applied. During breast reduction surgery, the fat tissue in the breast is removed. Excess loose skin is also removed. Although the duration of the operation varies according to the size of the breast, the operation ends in approximately 3 to 4 hours.
Liposuction and surgery through incisions techniques are used in this treatment. The surgeon makes an incision and removes excess fat, repositions the nipple, and reshapes the breasts. The wounded skin area is sutured after the procedure is completed. The patient is asked to come to follow-up appointments both in the first week and second week. At the end of the second week, the stitches are removed. The patient is asked to use a special bra. It is normal to feel a tingling sensation in the breasts for a while and these will disappear over time.