
A dental implant is a procedure that solves the missing teeth problem. It can also be explained as an artificial tooth root that replaces the missing tooth. A screw-shaped tooth root is placed in the jaw and an artificial tooth is attached to this material.

In this article, you can find answers to questions such as "how is a dental implant applied, what are the types of dental implant treatment" for this application, which is becoming more and more common.

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    Why Is Dental Implant Required?

    It is important to clarify questions such as “Can I have an implant or do I have to apply a dental implant”. First of all, implant treatment is applied to people aged 18 and over. It is essential that the development of the face and jaw is completed. Before the treatment, the site is examined whether the person is suitable for this operation. The dentist requests medical tests, runs a general examination, and reviews the patient's medical history.

    If there is no indication that will prevent the operation from being applied, the person can have implant treatment. If there are diseases such as diabetes and blood pressure, it is requested to take some precautions before implant treatment. For example, those taking blood thinners should stop using them, or those with osteoporosis are evaluated for implants after the treatment of osteoporosis disease. Those who have single tooth agenesis or a few missing teeth or those who do not have any teeth left are also suitable for this procedure. Implants can also be preferred as a support in prosthetic applications.

    What Is An Implant?

    Implants are special dental screws used to solve the problem of missing tooth.

    These screws are mostly made of titanium material.

    Dental implant treatment is the process of placing an "artificial tooth", which is very similar to a real tooth, into the missing tooth cavity.

    The screws stay at the tooth root, dental prostheses are placed on them, and as a conclusion both aesthetic appearance and functionality are obtained.

    Actions such as eating, talking, and laughing are performed smoothly.

    Dental Implant Treatment And Recovery Process

    Stages of Dental Implant Treatment

    • During dental implant treatment;
    • Consultation is done,
    • Medical tests are completed,
    • Dental implant treatment method is determined,
    • The measurement of the jawbone is taken,
    •  The remaining teeth are examined, and the measurements of the teeth are taken.
    • The dental implant treatment process begins.
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    Implant treatment is performed with sedation method. The gingiva is opened with an incision, holes are made in the bone and implantation is applied there. Implants can be placed in a “single-stage” or “two-stage” manner. In one-stage treatment, after the implant screws are attached, a temporary cap is placed.

    In the two-stage method, a dental implant is attached and covered with gingiva, that is, prosthetic caps are then located. In both dental stages, a temporary bridge is made to the relevant parts of the mouth.

    After this application, the patient waits between 3 and 6 months, depending on the position of the implant. Temporary prostheses are an extremely good solution for those who are bothered by the unaesthetic appearance. Next, the abutment placement process begins. In this process, artificial teeth (that are permanent teeth) are attached to the dental implant, usually under local anesthesia.

    It is recommended that you follow the doctor's instructions completely during the recovery process. It is normal to feel side effects such as pain and tenderness in the relevant areas. Painkillers prescribed by the doctor should be used as scheduled. You may experience adaptation problems at first, but it will go away in time. The ability to chew, laugh and speak will be the same as in natural teeth.


    After dental implant treatment, you should pay attention to nutrition. Since pre-operation and operation processes can vary from patient to patient, your dentist will prepare your diet specifically for you. In general, you should not consume extremely hot and cold foods, take vitamin and mineral supplements.

    You may experience swelling of the gums and also swelling in the facial area. Other common side effects are gingival bruising, pain, tenderness and pressure in the implanted side. It is important that you use the painkillers prescribed by the doctor and follow the post-operative care requirements.

    In dental implant treatment, you can choose artificial teeth with the help of your dentist. For example, you can choose between removable / fixed or moving prostheses. Your dentist will direct you about the tooth color, texture, etc.

    * Treatment for which we provide intermediary service.