Ileal Interposition

Ileal interposition is a type of surgery categorized under the main branch of bariatric surgery.

The procedure is mostly applied to patients who have type 2 diabetes, it is even possible to say that Ileal interposition is one of the most definitive solutions for people who are suffering from this disease.

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    Ileal Interposition Surgery

    There are two types of ileal interposition, and your surgeon will decide which will be the best appropriate for you. During the operation, the ileum is placed between the stomach and the closest area of the small intestine. The ileum can also be placed in the small intestine without touching the natural connections. In addition, thanks to the surgery, the resistance of the relevant tissue to the insulin hormone is adjusted.

    The proximal part of the small intestine is removed first and then attached to the anterior part of the small intestine. As a result of this process, approximately 75 cm of the small intestine is disconnected from food. The feeling of fullness is sent to the brain thanks to the hormonal stimulation mechanism created.

    Thanks to such treatment for this hormone that causes diabetes, the pancreas’ insulin production capacity will also increase.  Despite that, the surgeon does not touch the pancreas, this is a stomach and small intestine-based procedure. The aim is to increase the effect of insulin and, as a result, to eliminate the factors that cause diabetes.

    What Is Ileal Interposition?

    Ileal interposition is defined as a metabolic surgery and developed specifically for diabetes. Diabetic patients who have overweight problems can be treated through this operation.

    However, the patient doesn’t have to be obese. The negative effects of diabetes can be either reduced or eliminated thanks to this operation.

    Things To Know About Ileal Interposition

    Ileal interposition is a treatment method applied to individuals with diabetes who do not necessarily have serious weight or morbid obesity problems. The technique, which was first discovered in the 1990s, has been developed over the years.

    Type 2 diabetes patients are among the most ideal candidates for this surgery. Patients who could not succeed in controlling sugar due to hormonal reasons despite receiving the necessary treatment are treated with the ileal interposition technique. Although body mass index is examined in terms of suitability for treatment, it does not constitute the main criterion.

    Ileal interposition prices vary according to the patient's health condition and the success of the surgeon. However, because the surgery is complex, it requires medical skills, and has multiple stages, it is important to find talented doctors and medical teams.


    It depends. The test results requested by the doctor are decisive. If you have vitamin and mineral deficiency, you will be asked to start supplements before the surgery.

    After the operation, your healthcare provider gives you a special diet program. Accordingly, you can usually start consuming liquids on the third day. Of course, it should not be forgotten that it may vary from patient to patient.

    The main goal of this surgery is not to treat obesity, that is, the problem of excess weight. This method of treatment focuses on treating Type 2 diabetes and this makes ileal interposition different from other weight loss surgeries.

    * Treatment for which we provide intermediary service.