DHI Technique

DHI is a transplant method performed with hi-tech devices. It is one of the most preferred hair implant methods today.

A special medical pen is used in the operation, no incision is made on the skin, and hair transplantation is completed in a shorter time compared to other methods. These are the distinctive factors that increase the preferability of the DHI technique.

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    DHI Hair Transplant Treatment

    Before hair transplantation with DHI technique, as in other hair transplantation methods, consultation with the patient is arranged at first. The doctor listens to the patient’s complaints and specific expectations. The doctor also examines the site where hair transplantation will be applied, requests some tests, and marks the transplantation area. After agreeing with the patient and if all the results come clean, the operation is performed.

    During the application, local anesthesia is first given to the donor side, that is, the area where the hair follicle will be taken. With the help of Choi medical pen, hair follicles are collected and after that those hairs are placed on the scalp by using the same pen. There is no waiting between the two steps. The fine structure of the pen ensures that the hair follicles will be transplanted the skin easily and healthy tissues will not be damaged.

    What Is DHI Technique?

    DHI stands for Direct Hair Implantation. A special medical pen called “choi” is used in the operation.

    With the help of this pen, grafts (the structure with hair root and skin root) are collected from the donor site (the area where the hairs will be taken).

    These hairs are placed on the hair loss occurred area with this medical pen.

    One of the advantages of the DHI technique reveals itself in that point: No incisions are made on the skin surface; hair follicles are placed directly on the relevant area.

    Who Needs DHI Operation?

    People who experience hair loss are considered as appropriate candidates for DHI treatment.

    It can be said that patients with "Androgenic Alopecia", one of the most common types of hair loss, are ideal candidates for this operation.

    Although it is mostly preferred by men, women can also prefer DHI hair transplantation method.

    People who experience hair loss due to genetic and environmental factors and aging can benefit from this procedure.

    Saç ekiminde DHI tekniği

    DHI Technique Recovery Process

    After the hair focilles are loaded, the surgeon put on antibiotics to the relevant site and applies a bandage. Getting the operation by an experienced surgeon is also important in terms of both results and recovery time. The process is completed in approximately 8 hours. However, depending on various complications that can occur during the operation, the process can also take 12 hours. Also, factors such as how many hair follicles will be transplanted, and the surgeon's ability come into play. So, it is not possible to give exact duration of operation for DHI transplantation.

    At the end of the first day, the patient's general health condition is checked and from the second day, washing the hair process begins. Pain, bleeding, and dizziness may happen in the hair transplant site, the patient may also experience pain in the donor area. Full recovery takes approximately 12 to 18 months.


    During hair transplantation operations done with special techniques and technologies such as DHI and FUE, the patient's own hair is used. That means hair is not transplanted from someone else's body. Therefore, the body does not reject the hair transplant after the DHI technique.

    DHI technology is newer compared to the FUE technique and the hair transplant process takes less time with DHI application. While hair transplantation with FUE technique takes 3 sessions, DHI technique is completed in 2 sessions thanks to the “Choi” medical pen.

    The results of the DHI method, which points one of the best solutions for treating the hair loss problem, are permanent. It is an extremely good option for those who want natural looking and permanent hair restoration.

    * Treatment for which we provide intermediary service.