Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that is applied to people who want to change the shape of their breasts and enlarge their size. This procedure helps reshape the related area. Also, changing the body part as they wish increases people’s self-confidence.

At that point, it is important to give detailed answers to the raising questions such as “what is the meaning of breast augmentation, or how long does breast augmentation last?"

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    Breast Augmentation Surgery Steps

    The augmentation mammoplasty treatment includes two steps that are anesthesia and the incision. The patient receives medicine to not feel any pain during the operation. The doctor and the patient decide together which anesthesia method will be preferred.

    For this, type of breast implant to be applied, the patient’s medical history, current health status, and individual preferences are taken into consideration.

    After determining which type of anesthesia will be applied, it comes the second step which is the incision part.

    Since there are also several incision options, yet again the ideal method is decided from a patient-centered perspective.

    Since human anatomy and personal expectations vary, the most fitting breast size and breast shape are chosen. Body shape is the main object for determining the size. Before the operation, the doctor asks you to stop some of the medications you are using. After the incision is made, breast augmentation is performed with a fat injection or silicone implant prostheses. The surgery takes 1-2 hours. After breast implants are placed and positioned, incisions are closed with sutures. Scars from stitches will go away over time.

    What Is A Breast Augmentation?

    Breast augmentation also known as “augmentation mammoplasty” can be defined as the enlargement of the breasts. The process is done through the insertion of saline aka saltwater or silicon materials (implants) into the breasts. This easily accessible operation is performed by plastic surgeons. If the surgeon is talented and experienced, both treatment and recovery will be unproblematic. It is essential to attend follow-up appointments and follow the doctor's instructions to achieve the best results.

    Recovery Process After Augmentation Mammoplasty

    Breast augmentation recovery time can be different for everyone. Implant size, medical background, type of the implant and incision, or placement style can affect the healing process. Besides these factors, it can be said that full recovery takes about 4 to 6 weeks. The healing period will be more comfortable and quicker if the patient pays attention to the followings:

    A patient should,

    • Not lift heavy objects,
    • Avoid excess workouts,
    • Obey the surgeon’s instructions,
    • Care about his moves while sitting, sleeping, and walking,
    • Try not to miss the appointments.
    Meme (Göğüs) Büyütme Ameliyatı

    It should not be forgotten to answer the question "how should I be sure that I am an appropriate candidate for breast augmentation” which is another most frequently asked question. If you don’t like the appearance of your breasts; you may consider this operation. If sagging, volume loss, or flattening occurred around that area, augmentation mammoplasty can be a good solution for you.


    Göğüs büyütme maliyetleri cerrah, implant tipi, meme büyütme materyali ve sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesi vb. çeşitli faktörlere göre değişmektedir. Meme büyütme fiyatları hakkında bilgi almak ve meme büyütme tedavisi hakkında net bilgi sahibi olmak adına doktorla iletişime geçmeniz faydalı olacaktır.

    Bu terimler birbirleri yerine kullanılabilse de aralarında önemli bir fark vardır. Meme büyütme, işlemin kendisiyken implant, operasyon sırasında kullanılan tekniklerden birini tanımlamaktadır.

    Ameliyat çoğunlukla genel anestezi altında yapıldığından meme büyütme işlemi sırasında hasta herhangi bir ağrı hissetmez. Ayrıca, ilgili bölgeyi uyuşturan ilaçlar verildiği için, lokal anestezi de ağrısız geçer. Ameliyattan sonra hassasiyet ve ağrı hissedilebilir fakat bu geçici yan etkiler 2 hafta içinde kaybolacaktır.

    * Treatment for which we provide intermediary service.