Ear Surgery

Ear surgery is a procedure that can be performed for both cosmetic and functional purposes. People who don’t like the shape of their ears and who want to prevent problems such as hearing loss or ear infections can undergo these operations.

Therefore, it can be said that ear surgery offers both physical improvement and psychological well-being.

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    What Is Ear Surgery?

    It is necessary to get into the subject by saying that the ear surgery procedure varies.

    The patient may want to change the shape or angle of the ear or may want to get rid of the ear canal stenosis problem.

    Some operations take a shorter time, while others take longer.

    Some ear surgeries may have a shorter or longer recovery time than others.

    In summary, the process, procedure, and recovery time may differ depending on the ear surgery performed.

    At this point, it should be noted that the person's health status and post-operative care are also effective in the process.

    Why Is Ear Surgery Done?

    Before answering the questions such as whom ear surgery can be performed or when is the right time for ear surgery, it is important to highlight that the treatments can be required for cosmetic and functional reasons.

    For example, Tympanoplasty is applied to people who have eardrum perforation or otitis problems. During the Tympanoplasty operation, a hole in the eardrum is repaired and the hearing system is improved.

    Otoplasty is another ear surgery method however this procedure is applied for cosmetic reasons.

    The main purpose of this ear surgery procedure is to make the ears look more aesthetic. In this application, the position, shape, and size of the ears are changed.

    Ear Surgery Treatment Process

    Ear surgeries that are included in the field of plastic surgery are mostly performed with incision and suture steps. For more complicated operations, medical instruments such as endoscopy come into play.

    Many internal ear issues and outer ear problems can be corrected via ear surgery. Operations performed for aesthetic reasons are mostly optional. Ear pinning, ear augmentation, and ear reduction are the most preferred otoplasty applications. The diversity of people's expectations enriches the scope of ear surgery.

    Before ear correction operation, consultation is arranged. The surgeon listens to the patient's expectations and complaints and also explains how the process will continue, and what are the risks and advantages. The patient is informed about ear surgery prices. After that, the patient's medical history is obtained, a physical examination is checked and required tests are completed.

    kulak ameliyatı - otoplasti

    Ear surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia; however, general anesthesia may also be preferred. The age of the patient is effective in the type of anesthesia. In the first stage of the operation, small incision is made, and the type of aesthetic operation that the patient wants to have is applied through ear tissue. For example, cartilage can be removed, ear cartilage can be reshaped or skin can be removed. The process is completed by closing with stitches.

    Ear Surgery Recovery Period

    Otoplasty ear surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. That means the patient does not need to stay at the hospital after the operation. Although it varies according to the type of operation, the length of the procedure varies between 1 to 3 hours. A patient is asked to have a medical dressing placed over the ears. That helps to prevent swelling. It also ensures that the surgical site remains sterile and protected.

    In the ongoing process, it is important that the patient follow the doctor's instructions, do the necessary aftercare and, if possible, always keep the dressing clean and dry. In addition to these, not scratching the injured ear area, adjusting the sleeping position according to the ear, and avoiding intense physical touching around the relevant area will also accelerate the recovery time.


    Otoplasti (dış kulak ameliyatı), yapısal anormallikleri düzeltmek veya kişinin kafasına oranla, olması gerekenden daha fazla çıkıntı yapmış olan çift taraflı kepçe kulakları tedavi etmek için tercih edilmektedir. Kulak memesi şeklini değiştirmek, kulak simetrisini düzeltmek ve dokuyu yeniden oluşturmak kulak cerrahisi ile yapılabilecek işlemlerdir.

    Otoplasti ameliyatı olmak için minimum yaş 5'tir. Kulak kepçesinin yapısı ve kulak kepçesinin gelişimi nedeniyle çocuklar belirtilen bu yaşa erişmiş olmalıdır.

    Kulakla ilgili estetik sorunları olan kişiler bu operasyonlar için uygun olabilmektedir. Kulaklar normalden büyük veya küçükse, bir kaza ve travma sonrası kulaklarda şekil bozuklukları oluşmuşsa, doğuştan gelen yapısal bir durum varsa veya kepçe kulak sorunu varsa çözüm otoplasti olabilir.

    * Treatment for which we provide intermediary service.