Sinus Lifting And Alveolar Bone Operation

The sinuses are the air spaces in the bones around the nose. The sinuses, which open into the nasal through the minor channels, have important functions such as balancing the weight of the head and helping to produce/transfer speaking sounds correctly.

Based on intraoral problems, the amount of bone in the relevant area may decrease. Sinus lifting refers to the surgical process that increases the amount of bone.

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    What Are Sinus Lift And Alveolar Bone?

    Sinus lifting is the process of lifting the sinus floor with a surgical operation. If the bone structure in the upper jaw is not sufficient, this problem is solved with a sinus lift.

    Alveolar bone can be explained as the bone surrounding the tooth. Damage to the alveolar bone causes a problem for implant surgery. The causes of alveolar bone defects vary.

    Periodontal diseases that are experienced in the past, physical traumas, and other pathological factors may cause alveolar bone problems.

    Why Is Sinus Lifting And Alveolar Bone Operation Performed?

    The spaces in the upper part of the upper jaw called the maxillary sinus may sag or droop because of various reasons, tooth loss for instance. Because of this, the bone volume decreases, and collapse occurs on the orbital floor. This situation can be a problem for implant surgery.

    If the nasal bone is not at the proper height for the implant, the procedure cannot be applied. Sinus lifting comes into play at this point and the nasal bone length is brought to the ideal level.

    How Is Sinus Lifting And Alveolar Bone Treatment Performed?

    The first step of treatment is examination. The dentist examines the general health of the patient and checks the maxillary region to see if it is suitable for the operation. Both clinical and radiographic examinations are performed.

    To confirm suitability for the procedure, the length of the maxillary alveolar bone, the size of the sinus, and the condition of the sinus septums are checked. A sinus lift operation is performed under local anesthesia. The operation can be performed with two methods, lateral and internal.

    Lateral Sinus Lifting treatment is applied when the current nasal structure does not allow the implant. Alveolar bone height should be 1-5 mm. The operation is completed with the primary closure method. In the treatment of internal sinus lifting, an implant is made, and the alveolar bone distance should be 6-8 mm. The relevant area is sutured, and the operation is completed.


    Sinus Lifting Recovery Process

    The sinus lifting recovery maintains within 6 months to 1 year. This healing period must be completed in order to perform prosthetic applications. The dentist prescribes antibiotics to the patient.

    The patient should attend follow-up appointments. In these appointments, the bone healing process is followed, and the development of the bone and its compatibility with the natural bone is checked.

    Edema may occur in the relevant area. It is important to follow the advice and instructions of the dentist in order to reduce and eliminate possible side effects.


    The alveolar bone surrounding the root of the tooth ensures that the teeth stay in the jaw correctly. Sinus Lifting and Alveolar Bone Operation correct bone defects, making the relevant site suitable for implant surgery.

    You may feel slight pain after the operation, you can use painkillers that your dentist will prescribe for you. The pain will soon go away. In the sinus lift treatment, several procedures can be applied and the related area is closed by suturing. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes, and the length of the operation may vary.

    Sinuses are air channels that open into the nose, the size of these air spaces varies from person to person. There are 4 types of sinuses: the maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, sphenoid sinus, and anterior and posterior ethmoidal sinuses.

    * Treatment for which we provide intermediary service.