Nasolabial filling is an aesthetic procedure applied to reduce the deep lines extending from the edge of the nose to the corners of the mouth and to give the face a younger appearance. This procedure is usually performed using hyaluronic acid-based fillers and natural results are achieved in a short time. Thanks to its minimally invasive features, the procedure usually has an immediate effect and offers a fast recovery process.

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What is Nasolabial Filler?

Nasolabial filling is an aesthetic procedure used to reduce the appearance of lines extending from the edge of the nose to the corner of the mouth. It is usually performed with hyaluronic acid-based fillers. It is important to determine your needs by consulting with the specialist physician before the procedure.

During the application, the filler is injected into the designated areas and the results can be observed immediately. A slight swelling or bruising may occur after the procedure, but this is temporary. Nasolabial filler helps you maintain your natural appearance while giving your facial features a more youthful and dynamic appearance.

How Long Does Nasolabial Filler Last? Is It Permanent?

Nasolabial fillers are usually effective between 6 months and 1 year. Its permanence depends on the filling material and the metabolism of the person. Over time, the body absorbs the filler and reduces its effect. It may be a procedure that needs to be repeated.

Who Can Have Nasolabial Fillers?

Nasolabial filler provides a younger appearance by softening the deep nasal edge lines. People aged 30 and over, with reduced skin elasticity or prominent nasolabial lines are among the suitable candidates for filler application. In addition, those who want to increase facial symmetry and improve aesthetic appearance may also prefer this procedure. However, it is important that people who are pregnant, breastfeeding or have some health problems should consult with their specialists before having fillers.

Is Nasolabial Filling a Painful Procedure?

Nasolabial filling procedure is a frequently preferred method in facial aesthetics. During this procedure, it is aimed to fill the lines extending from the edge of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Since local anesthesia is usually used, the pain felt during the procedure is minimal. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or swelling after the procedure, but this usually disappears in a short time.

The quality of the filling material and the experience of the specialist are factors that increase the comfort of the procedure. Therefore, working with a trusted specialist is important for both results and pain management.

What are the Differences Between Nasolabial Fillers and Other Fillers?

Nasolabial filler is an aesthetic procedure applied to the nasolabial groove area of the face. This type of filler aims to achieve a younger appearance by filling the lines between the edge of the nose and the corner of the mouth, which deepen with aging. Other types of fillers are generally used in different areas and for different needs. For example, lip fillers provide fullness, while cheekbone fillers emphasize facial contours. Nasolabial fillers are made with substances such as hyaluronic acid and the effect usually lasts 6-12 months.

In addition, it is possible for patients to return to their daily lives quickly after this filler application. Swelling and bruises seen after the application usually disappear in a short time.

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