Shoulders are very important parts in terms of the aesthetic appearance of both women's and men's bodies. While shoulder and back decollete make women's clothes look more pleasant, wide and strong shoulders help men look more attractive.

For this reason, it is everyone's dream to have shoulders that complement the physical structure. Thanks to the modern techniques developed today, it is possible to make the appearance more attractive by bringing narrow shoulders to ideal dimensions. Shoulder aesthetics ensures that the neck, neck, back and waist structures of the person and shoulders complement each other.


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What is Shoulder Aesthetics?

In an ideal human body, the width between the two shoulders should be one quarter of the individual's height. Although this measure varies from person to person, it is more elegant and slender in women, and the ends of women's shoulders are rounder than men's. Men's shoulders are wider and stronger than those of women. Shoulders that are narrower or lower than normal can lead to self-confidence problems as it may cause clothes to not fit well.

In addition to deformities, blemishes and scars on the shoulders can also negatively affect the appearance. With shoulder aesthetics, which is one of the most common plastic surgery operations, it is possible to have ideal shoulder measurements and get rid of blemishes and scars on the shoulders. With the aesthetic intervention applied, it is ensured that the person has shoulders in the most suitable way for his/her body type.

Why is Shoulder Aesthetics Performed?

Shoulder aesthetics is an operation performed by adding tissue to the area where the width between the shoulders is below normal. In addition to having ideal measurements; shoulder aesthetics can also be performed due to low shoulders and orthopedic problems in the shoulder. Low shoulders can be made upright with tissue injection and this intervention helps to adjust the distance between the shoulders.

How is Shoulder Aesthetics Performed?

Shoulder aesthetics can be performed for different purposes, but the person should have routine examinations and tests before undergoing surgery. Anyone who does not have any health problems can have shoulder aesthetics. At the end of this operation, which takes an average of 1.5 hours, it is ensured that the person has ideal shoulders and gets rid of health problems in the shoulders, if any.

In order for the operation to be successful, it is important to control the preparation process well and to take into account the plastic surgeon's recommendations in this process. During this period, attention should be paid to issues such as stopping the use of blood thinners and antibiotics, and stopping smoking and alcohol consumption. By following these rules and working with a specialized physician, extremely successful results are achieved.

During shoulder aesthetics, the relevant areas are enlarged by tissue injection, and fat is removed from the parts with excess tissue by liposuction method. In this way, it is possible to volumize and round the desired parts. Hospitalization is not required after shoulder aesthetics performed under local or general anesthesia.

However, since tissue injection is applied during the procedure, a new session may be required after a while, albeit rarely, and 2-session treatment is recommended for such patients. In the postoperative period, it is necessary to be careful in shoulder movements, avoid movements that strain the shoulders and rest the shoulders.

Nape and Shoulder Aesthetics

In some cases, shoulder aesthetics may need to be combined with nape aesthetics. Since fat accumulation in the neck is one of the most common conditions in the society, the neck can be intervened along with the shoulder to improve the general appearance.

This operation, which is applied by removing the fat collected in the neck and making the neck area more proportional, is applied together with shoulder aesthetics and similarly does not require hospitalization after the procedure. The patient is discharged on the same day and full recovery is completed in approximately 1 week.

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